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5 data indicators about public toilet partitions


1、The distance between the centres of urinals side by side should not be less than 650mm.

2、The distance between the centres of urinals with partitions should not be less than 800mm.

3、When the inner door is used, it should not be less than 1100mm; when the outer door is used, it should not be less than 1300mm.

4、Toilet cubicle to the opposite wall finish surface or the net distance of the obstacle
When using the inner door, should not be less than 1100mm;
When the external door is used, it should not be less than 1300mm.

5、The clear distance between the toilet cubicle on one side and the outer edge of the urinal or urinal trough on the opposite side
When using the inner door, should not be less than 1100mm;
When using the external door, should not be less than 1300m.

If you have any questions about the design of public bathroom partitions, please feel free to consult us and provide free knowledge about the design of public bathroom partitions.
